What is cccp treated cells
What is cccp treated cells

The graph represents change in Mitotracker Green intensity between DMSO- and CCCP-treated samples in three independent experiments. MTG, which stains mitochondrial lipid in a membrane potential independent manner, is a sensitive measure of mitochondrial mass. (E) M17 cells stably transduced with control shRNA or PINK1 shRNA were treated with DMSO or 10 µM CCCP for 24 h and stained with Mitotracker Green (MTG). (D) Percentage of cells with no mitochondria was scored for (C) as described in (B). Images in the bottom rows of (A and C) are expansions of the images indicated by the boxes in the middle rows. (C) M17 human neuroblastoma cells stably transduced with control shRNA or PINK1 shRNA were treated with 10 µM CCCP for 24 h and stained as in (A). 150 cells/condition in three or more independent experiments.

What is cccp treated cells